
  • "滑り運動下におけるぬくもり感の発現メカニズム"
     山形大学 熊谷 太州(2P-02)
  • "種々の形態を持つγ- シクロデキストリン超分子構造体の創製"
    大阪大学 北口 凌(2P-05)
  • "マルチリンカーをもつ種々のα- シクロデキストリン二量体の合成と不飽和脂肪酸エステルに対する分子認識能"
    大阪大学 風間  愛(2P-08)
  • "安定化剤フリーでの水中におけるビタミンE ナノ分散体の調製とそのラジカル消去能評価"
    成蹊大学 小河 重三郎(2P-19)
  • "海産物由来スフィンゴ脂質の推定摂取量と消化管吸収"
    京都大学 友永 奈美(2P-25)
  • "ボロン酸導入脂質膜における糖応答性の検討"
    東京理科大学 小澤 咲月(2P-26)
  • "アミノ酸-糖ハイブリッド界面活性剤が形成する泡沫の構造および安定性"
    奈良女子大学 矢田 詩歩(3P-12)
  • "高速原子間力顕微鏡を利用したモノメリック型/ ジェミニ型界面活性剤混合吸着層のモルフォロジー評価"
    東京理科大学 齋能 僚太(3P-14)



  • "Investigations on Solubility and Dispersibililty of α-Tocopherol/Cyclodextrin Complexes in Water System"
    Shigesaburo Ogawa, Seikei University

  • "Determination of Triacylglycerol Oxidation Mechanisms Using Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometrytandem"
    Shunji Kato, Tohoku University

  • "Identification of Lipid Component Affecting the Stability of Tear Film Lipid Layer Against Compression and Expansion by Blink"
    Masataka Yoshida, Lion Co.

  • "A Novel Mechanism of Dietary Fish Oil Resulting in an Increase in Swimming Time in Mice"
    Nakamichi Watanabe, Showa Women’s University

  • "Modulation of Lipid Metabolic Enzymes by Nutraceuticals to Improve Insulin Resistance in High-Fat-Diet-Induced Obesity"
    P. Vijayaraj, Central Food Technological Research Inst.

  • "Surface Structure of the Standard PMMA Plates for the in vitro Evaluation of UV Protection Abilities of Cosmetic Sunscreens"
    Akihiro Kuroda, Kuroda Consulting Inc.

  • "The Separation of Enzymatically-Oxidized and Auto-Oxidized Phosphatidylcholine Using Chiral Stationary Phase LC-MS/MS Method"
    Junya Ito, Tohoku University

  • "SANS Study of Bicelles Based on Lechithin-Polyoxyethylene Cholesteryl Ether"
    Keita Adachi, Yokohama National University

  • "Physical Properties of Catanionic Vesicles Fabricated from Triple-Chained Ion Pair Amphiphiles with Cholesterol"
    Pei-Hsuan Su, National Cheng Kung University

  • "Effects of Bovine Serum Albumin on the Mixed Langmuir Monolayer Behavior of Ion Pair Amphiphile with Surface Active Additives at Air/Liquid Interfaces"
    Yu-Xin Yang, National Cheng Kung University

  • "Influence of Ethanol Addition on Dispersion Stability of O/W Type Emulsion Stabilized by Polyglycerol Fatty Acid Ester"
    Yuka Katsuumi, Tokyo University of Science

  • "Preparation of Highly Stable Oil in Oil Type Emulsions"
    Hikaru Ishii, Tokyo University of Science
  • "Fabrication of Anisotropic Polystyrene Particle Monolayers by UV Irradiation and Immersion into Solvent"
    Hiroto Ichikawa, Tokyo University of Science

  • "Chirality-Controlled Synthesis of Double-Helical Au Nanowires Using Castor Oil Derivatives"
    Makoto Nakagawa, Tokyo University of Science

  • "Photoinduced Demulsification of O/W Emulsions Prepared Using Various Oils and Its Application"
    Yuka Keshikawa, Tokyo University of Science

  • "Fabrication of Cellulose Nanocapsules and Formation of Nanotubes through Their One-Dimensional Fusion"
    Masashi Wada, Osaka University