License Terms

CC BY 4.0(Attribution 4.0 International). This license allows users to share and adapt an article, even commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given.That is, this license lets others copy, distribute, remix, and build upon the Article, even commercially, provided the original source and Authors are credited.

CC BY-SA 4.0(Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International). This license allows users to share and adapt an article, even commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the distribution of derivative works is under the same license as the original.That is, this license lets others copy, distribute, modify, and reproduce the Article, provided the original source and Authors are credited under the same license as the original.

Checks for Plagiarism

Submission to the journal implies that the manuscript is original work. The journal may use Crossref’s Similarity Check plagiarism software to screen manuscripts for unoriginal content. By submitting a manuscript to the journal, authors agree to this screening. Any manuscript with an unacceptable level of unoriginal material may be rejected or retracted at the Editors’ discretion.

Anonymous peer review

Anonymous peer review
The journal maintains the confidentiality of all unpublished manuscripts. Editors will not:
a) disclose a reviewer’s identity unless the reviewer makes a reasonable request for such disclosure
b) discuss the manuscript or its contents with anyone not directly involved with the manuscript or its peer review
c) use any data or information from the manuscript in their own work or publications
d) use information obtained from the peer review process to provide an advantage to themselves or anyone else, or to disadvantage any individual or organization.

Reviewer confidentiality:
As part of their responsibilities, reviewers agree to maintain the confidentiality of unpublished manuscripts at all times. By accepting the invitation to review a manuscript, reviewers agree not to:
1)disclose their role in reviewing the manuscript
2)reveal their identity to any of the authors of the manuscript
3)discuss the manuscript or its contents with anyone not directly involved in the review process
4)involve anyone else in the review(for example, a postdoc or PhD student)without first requesting permission from the Editor
5)use any data or information from the manuscript in their own work or publications
6)use information obtained from the peer review process to provide an advantage to themselves or anyone else, or to disadvantage any individual or organization.

Waiver Policy

Waivers to APCs are provided automatically when the corresponding author is from a “Group A” Research 4Life country. In cases of demonstrated financial hardship, the journal will consider a pre-submission application for a waiver from any corresponding author to Applications cannot be made after the peer review process has begun. The ability of an author to pay the APC does not influence editorial decisions. To avoid any possibility of undue influence, Editors involved with the decision-making process for articles are not involved in any deliberations on waivers.

Other Charges

Reprint charges(black and white, Japanese Yen including taxes, shipping is not included)

Number of copies
pages 50 100 200 300 400 500 1,000
1-2 7,800 9,360 10,920 12,480 14,040 15,600 23,400
3-4 10,400 12,480 14,560 16,640 18,720 20,800 31,200
5-6 13,000 15,600 18,200 20,800 23,400 26,000 39,000
7-8 15,600 18,720 21,840 24,960 28,080 31,200 46,800
9-10 18,200 21,840 25,480 29,120 32,760 36,400 54,600
11-12 20,800 24,960 29,120 33,280 37,440 41,600 62,400
13-14 23,400 28,080 32,760 37,400 42,120 46,800 70,200
15-16 26,000 31,200 36,400 41,600 46,800 52,000 78,000

*Color printing charge: Additional 24,750 JP Yen/page

Copyright Policy

If a manuscript includes material that is not under the authors’own copyright, the authors must obtain permission from the copyright holder(s)to reproduce it. If a manuscript includes previously published material, the authors must obtain permission from the copyright owners and the publisher of the original work to reproduce it. The authors must cite the original work in their manuscript.

Copies of all reproduction permissions must be included with the manuscript when it is first submitted.All articles in the journal are Open Access. Authors are required to assign all copyrights in the work to the Society, who then publish the work under the Creative Commons 4.0 Inter- national license. Authors can choose the following Creative Commons license, CC BY 4.0 or CC BY-SA 4.0.

Aims & Scope

The Journal of Oleo Science publishes peer reviewed, Open Access articles on basic and applied research into fats and oils. Basic research topics include the chemistry, biochemistry and science of fats and oils, such as related food products, cosmetics, detergents, natural products, petroleum products, lipids and related proteins and sugars. The journal encourages the submission of manuscripts that combine chemistry and/or biochemistry with biological/sensory/nutritional/toxicological evaluation related to agriculture and/or food.

Published by the Japan Oil Chemists’ Society, the Journal of Oleo Science publishes high-quality articles twelve times a year and continuously online. The journal consists of the following sections:
a)Oils & Fats
b)Detergents, Surfactants, Interface & Colloid
c)Biochemistry & Biotechnology
d)Medical Chemistry
e)Nutrition, Health Function & Food Science,
f)Chemistry & Organic Synthesis
g)Essential Oils & Natural Products
h)Cosmetic Science
i)General Subjects