Anonymous peer review

Anonymous peer review
The journal maintains the confidentiality of all unpublished manuscripts. Editors will not:
a) disclose a reviewer’s identity unless the reviewer makes a reasonable request for such disclosure
b) discuss the manuscript or its contents with anyone not directly involved with the manuscript or its peer review
c) use any data or information from the manuscript in their own work or publications
d) use information obtained from the peer review process to provide an advantage to themselves or anyone else, or to disadvantage any individual or organization.

Reviewer confidentiality:
As part of their responsibilities, reviewers agree to maintain the confidentiality of unpublished manuscripts at all times. By accepting the invitation to review a manuscript, reviewers agree not to:
1)disclose their role in reviewing the manuscript
2)reveal their identity to any of the authors of the manuscript
3)discuss the manuscript or its contents with anyone not directly involved in the review process
4)involve anyone else in the review(for example, a postdoc or PhD student)without first requesting permission from the Editor
5)use any data or information from the manuscript in their own work or publications
6)use information obtained from the peer review process to provide an advantage to themselves or anyone else, or to disadvantage any individual or organization.