Other Charges

Reprint charges(black and white, Japanese Yen including taxes, shipping is not included)

Number of copies
pages 50 100 200 300 400 500 1,000
1-2 7,800 9,360 10,920 12,480 14,040 15,600 23,400
3-4 10,400 12,480 14,560 16,640 18,720 20,800 31,200
5-6 13,000 15,600 18,200 20,800 23,400 26,000 39,000
7-8 15,600 18,720 21,840 24,960 28,080 31,200 46,800
9-10 18,200 21,840 25,480 29,120 32,760 36,400 54,600
11-12 20,800 24,960 29,120 33,280 37,440 41,600 62,400
13-14 23,400 28,080 32,760 37,400 42,120 46,800 70,200
15-16 26,000 31,200 36,400 41,600 46,800 52,000 78,000

*Color printing charge: Additional 24,750 JP Yen/page